This piece doesn’t pass judgement on the value of ISO certification, but rather whether its ethos is compatible with that of the Agile Manifesto. My initial opinion is that the rigidity and structure that ISO certifications generally bring to companies, put it at odds with the basic principles of the Agile Manifesto. Individuals and interactions… Continue reading Can ISO and agile coexist?
Tag: Agile
Thoughts on being a ‘remote’ Scrum Master
If this current Covid-19 pandemic has taught everyone – it’s that remote work is a feasible approach to delivering value. I’ve seen existing teams continue to work well together, and new hires being rapidly on-boarded and brought up to speed. As Scrum Master, I have multiple daily standup sessions within a short space of time,… Continue reading Thoughts on being a ‘remote’ Scrum Master
About estimating
A senior manager in a large client recently confirmed to their product department and dev team leads, the value of estimating new software tasks (enhancements and new features), citing that estimates allow the Product Owner (who understands the value of each item) to perform a basic cost-benefit analysis, and perform a go/no-go analysis. This led… Continue reading About estimating
About Scrum and Agile
Recently a client with a long established history of following the Scrum framework (not text-book but pretty close), explored a proposal to revert to a neo-Waterfall model and I responded with a fairly harsh rebuttal. To be clear, I encourage all my clients to experiment and explore different avenues in the quest to improve their… Continue reading About Scrum and Agile