It would surprise most of us, the amount of text and images we copy to the clipboard in an average work day. Even more surprising is the number of times we re-copy and re-paste the same items to emails, documents and chats. That’s where this productivity hack flexes its muscles – the ability to store… Continue reading Productivity : Multi-clipboards
A workable strategy to keep your deleted files and emails lean
Tips for less clutter A subjective truism is that not all emails and files need to be saved in perpetuity – especially downloaded files which infiltrate our professional and personal lives on a daily basis. My belief is that only a small proportion of all files should be intentionally stored – and the rest discarded.… Continue reading A workable strategy to keep your deleted files and emails lean
The smart way to store downloaded files.
It’s hard to comprehend the number of files downloaded on a daily basis over your browser. These files just tend to squat on your hard-drive – and clog up the works. I maintain that instead of saving this in your Downloads folder, create a folder with the name ‘To Delete’ and change your browser’s settings… Continue reading The smart way to store downloaded files.
Wrangling your emails: Invites and CCs
Meeting invites; CCs In my previous post, I went to great lengths to persuade us that not all emails are equal – today we’ll put this philosophy into practice to simplify our lives. Initially, we’ll look at two email types – on the opposite end of the ‘urgency’ spectrum – on the one end is… Continue reading Wrangling your emails: Invites and CCs
Wrangling your emails: Divide and Conquer – intro
An Introduction2023 Whilst email is hardly new or sexy in 2024 2023, it’s (probably) still the most used communication method for organisations (both inter- and intra-organisation). Email is seen as both a boon and a bane – it takes only a few seconds to generate and send, and simultaneously for the recipient it takes from… Continue reading Wrangling your emails: Divide and Conquer – intro
AI vs software development projects
Initial thoughts on Product Management I’m currently investing time in an online course where I’m learning some product management approaches to AI and data science-related projects. It’s clear there are many similarities with traditional product management (such as the need to find Product-Market fit, the emphasis on interactive and rich conversations with stakeholders amongst others.)… Continue reading AI vs software development projects
Pondering Studs Terkel’s quote on ‘Work’
Work is about a search for daily meaning as well as daily bread, for recognition as well as cash, for astonishment rather than torpor; in short, for a sort of life rather than a Monday through Friday sort of dying. Studs Terkel Wow – that’s really powerful and if I’m honest I don’t always feel… Continue reading Pondering Studs Terkel’s quote on ‘Work’
Can ISO and agile coexist?
This piece doesn’t pass judgement on the value of ISO certification, but rather whether its ethos is compatible with that of the Agile Manifesto. My initial opinion is that the rigidity and structure that ISO certifications generally bring to companies, put it at odds with the basic principles of the Agile Manifesto. Individuals and interactions… Continue reading Can ISO and agile coexist?
Wrangling your email: Divide and Conquer – actions
Handling your actions In a previous post, the focus was on preserving our energy with different email types we frequently receive. The principle was to setup different folders for meeting invites and for CCs, and then to check the invites folder much more frequently than the CC folder. Today, we’ll look at productive ways to… Continue reading Wrangling your email: Divide and Conquer – actions
Thoughts on being a ‘remote’ Scrum Master
If this current Covid-19 pandemic has taught everyone – it’s that remote work is a feasible approach to delivering value. I’ve seen existing teams continue to work well together, and new hires being rapidly on-boarded and brought up to speed. As Scrum Master, I have multiple daily standup sessions within a short space of time,… Continue reading Thoughts on being a ‘remote’ Scrum Master